Thursday 7 February 2013

The indecisiveness in me…

Whether to wear flats or heels, hair down or up, dress poufy or dress sleek... 

All I can say is that I'm married now... and I plan to stay that way! For the brides to be, there are SOOOOO MANY OPTIONS! How do you choose? I'm flat out choosing whether I want chicken or pasta for dinner, let alone what favour for your tables and what type of car to arrive in...

Aaaggh...already I can feel my chest grow tight with indecision! Who is with me? Please say I am not alone?

Over the years I've come across many brides... some who have had their weddings planned since they were 5 - walking around in their mother's heels and clip on earrings... the works! I can remember holding a towel around myself in the bathroom mirror and pretending that was my gown... usually a strapless number. But there are also brides who plan their weddings in under 8 weeks and I have to say… THAT WAS ME! If I let myself have too long to plan, I would change colours, themes, venues and my fiancé would have shot me! But for those who are super organised, they love and enjoy the process of each step by step meeting, booking venues, setting with your celebrant... can I have a show of hands here?

My question is... how do you overcome that overwhelming indecisiveness?

I've done some research and I'm quite intrigued by the amount of blogs that are written about this, clearly I am not alone… well, here is another one to add to the pile.

A 'trusted' source once said:

"Whenever you have a tough decision to make, list all of your options on a piece of paper. Weigh the pros and cons for each option. This should give you a better perspective on your choices. If this doesn’t help due to result being fairly equal, there is one thing left. Make a choice."

Maybe an excel spreadsheet can help? Pro's here and con's there? Can we have a big black column for the BUDGET list? We all know really, that a lot of our decisions are made due to budget restrictions.

I love that big green wedge for other! There are always those extra things that pop up that aren't in the expected list! Maybe I might add a wedding coordinator in there, they might be able to help me with my indecisiveness...

Can I please order one for my every day life?

Love from the indecisive Kas 

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